Drydocks and other Facilities

Falkirk Hire Boats
Falkirk Wheel
Lime Road

Dry dock facilities. Very busy with Hire boats.
Main office for boat hire company customers to pick up their hire boats.

T: 01324627212
E: holidayboats@scottishcanals.co.uk
W: http://falkirkhireboats.co.uk/about/

‘Free Canal cruising in Scotland for people with special needs.’
The Trust has a flyer that highlights the Bookings system.
Each branch has a telephone number that goes directly to their booking officer.
They not only deal with bookings, but other enquiries, if appropriate, passing them on.

Falkirk: 07722342913
Kirkintilloch: 01417777165
Ratho: 07511055081
Marion Seagull (Holiday Cruise): 07513291771
General Email enquiries: info@seagullltrustcruises.org.uk

Ratho Dry Dock

The Dry Dock at Ratho (near Edinburgh) is a superb fully enclosed and roofed  indoor facility.    

Although operated by Seagull Trust Cruises (STC)  for the benefit, maintenance and repair of the charity’s own boats, the facility may be made available to other charities, organisations, and private barge owners when not in use by STC.

For further details and to enquire about availability please phone 07511055081